Happy New Year to you all! May 2007 be your best year yet. Just say no to resolutions, have the cupcake, wear your comfortable shoes, and sing along to that song!
Sunday, December 31, 2006
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Where does the time go? Totally ashamed of myself that my last post is December 2nd and today is already the 13th, no 14th, no 15, NO 16th!! ARGH. Okay, so the tree is up, the outside lights make our new place Christmas-beautiful and I guess you'd say 95% of the shopping is complete. The reason I say 95% because..well.. you never seem done. For some reason there is always something that makes you go out and brave the crowds again. Not to mention that Kyle's birthday is on Wednesday the 20th which brings a whole new set of plans and problems.
Nice experience at Publix today (the grocery store) where I bought a bag of Idaho potatoes that were on sale - just grabbed a bag and threw it into the cart. I had walked away for a minute while they were scanning and bagging and the bag-boy comes up to me with the bag of potatoes in a grocery bag and says "smell this". Well, after all these years I know better! I could have kicked myself! I know better than when someone says "smell this" YOU DON'T. UGH I still can't get that smell of rotten potatoes out of my mind. He, on the other hand, had a pretty hardy laugh when I said "I even know better than to smell something that someone says smell this" (not to mention the sour look on his face).
One thing that surprises me here in Jax is how nice most of the people are. Everywhere else I have lived this time of year shopping brings out the nasty in people. You know them - the grumby people that are sighing and rolling their eyes and have nasty-icky all of their faces..
This morning I encountered the nicest, most pleasant people ever. They smiled, they apologized for being in the way, they said "excuse me", it was nice and quite the surprise. I remember when we lived in Vegas and it was the polar opposite this time of year. Jax people are quite nice I must say.
Okay, off to wrap. Kyle is at the skatepark so gotta grab the opportunity when I can! Cheers all and happy shopping and stuff...
Nice experience at Publix today (the grocery store) where I bought a bag of Idaho potatoes that were on sale - just grabbed a bag and threw it into the cart. I had walked away for a minute while they were scanning and bagging and the bag-boy comes up to me with the bag of potatoes in a grocery bag and says "smell this". Well, after all these years I know better! I could have kicked myself! I know better than when someone says "smell this" YOU DON'T. UGH I still can't get that smell of rotten potatoes out of my mind. He, on the other hand, had a pretty hardy laugh when I said "I even know better than to smell something that someone says smell this" (not to mention the sour look on his face).
One thing that surprises me here in Jax is how nice most of the people are. Everywhere else I have lived this time of year shopping brings out the nasty in people. You know them - the grumby people that are sighing and rolling their eyes and have nasty-icky all of their faces..
This morning I encountered the nicest, most pleasant people ever. They smiled, they apologized for being in the way, they said "excuse me", it was nice and quite the surprise. I remember when we lived in Vegas and it was the polar opposite this time of year. Jax people are quite nice I must say.
Okay, off to wrap. Kyle is at the skatepark so gotta grab the opportunity when I can! Cheers all and happy shopping and stuff...
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Congrats to My Cool Friend Becky
My cool friend Becky (in my blog links) completed NaBloPoMo (aka National Blog Posting Month) wherein she had to post EVERYDAY in the month of November. Now those of you who post blogs know just how darn hard that is to find something every single day to post about. Well, Becky did it. I cheered her on from afar and, when time allowed, sent off an email or two telling her how great she was doing. Now that December is here, she can breath and know the pressure is off for another year BUT GIRL... WAY TO GO!!! You "blog rock" my dear.
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Giving Thanks

So Thursday was Thanksgiving here (my Canadian friends and family celebrate Thanksgiving the second Monday in October). We, of course, give thanks to all the stuff we should - family, friends, health blah blah but on this post I would like to thank the hillbilly woman at Wal-Mart who found it necessary to walk past me and COUGH RIGHT IN MY FACE. Thanks! I've been sick as a dog for almost six days now and did a 3 hour wait at the walk-in clinic to get meds. It was like I could see myself inhaling her germs! I'd post more..BUT I'M TOO SICK.
Sunday, November 12, 2006
November brrrrrrr

So I think that we have lost sight of COLD. Having been in the South for about 12 years now I can truly say I'm cold when it's 65 degrees out. I remember chinook days in Canada where 65 was WARM AND NICE! We grab the hoodies and move from barefeet to warm fuzzy slippers. When Kyle was playing ball a week ago we actually turned the heat on in the car on the way home! I know, I know...we've become WEATHER SOFT. Anyways, if it's snowing where you are - I'm sorry. It's still a little warm and my windows are open and hoping for a cooler breeze for sleeping tonight.
Saturday, November 11, 2006
This Week :phew:
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Well it has been quite the week in Florida. Firstly, our weather is bizarre. Started to get a little cooler (low 70's) which was soooo nice..then it spiked back up to 90. Some mornings it was so humid that the steam coming out of the car a/c seemed like smoke and you glasses would fog up the minute you stepped outside. It's suppose to get "more reasonable" this week - we'll see.
I went from temporary to permanent a my job 45 days early which is great. My "official" first day is Monday (tomorrow) where I get my "badge" and they take that geek picture that they send out to everyone and their brother in email. Feel real bad about making fun of those people now!
Kyle is playing lots and lots of baseball and is getting better each game. He's more confident and yesteday's game he even pitched an inning and stuck a guy out! Way to go Kyle! Today he's gone fishing with his friends.
Halloween is coming up and, once again, he wants to be something REALLY REALLY scary. I think it's to make up for those ever-so-cute costumes I put him in when he was younger. :sigh:
But we all know what this means... kit kats for everyone! My mom used to take out all of the bubblegum from our bags - I, to this day, don't know why -but alas I do the same thing. Still don't know why, but it seems like the right thing to do. Not a fan of gum anyways, he seems to end up in places that I have to clean.
Well start of a new week - have a good one!
I went from temporary to permanent a my job 45 days early which is great. My "official" first day is Monday (tomorrow) where I get my "badge" and they take that geek picture that they send out to everyone and their brother in email. Feel real bad about making fun of those people now!
Kyle is playing lots and lots of baseball and is getting better each game. He's more confident and yesteday's game he even pitched an inning and stuck a guy out! Way to go Kyle! Today he's gone fishing with his friends.
Halloween is coming up and, once again, he wants to be something REALLY REALLY scary. I think it's to make up for those ever-so-cute costumes I put him in when he was younger. :sigh:
But we all know what this means... kit kats for everyone! My mom used to take out all of the bubblegum from our bags - I, to this day, don't know why -but alas I do the same thing. Still don't know why, but it seems like the right thing to do. Not a fan of gum anyways, he seems to end up in places that I have to clean.
Well start of a new week - have a good one!
Saturday, October 14, 2006
American Translation
So I thought my Canadian family and friends would enjoy this one...
While the kids are playing little league baseball and when they are up to bat, they shout
Translation: "Hit the ball where no person is standing".
Whoa - bad English on EVERY level......
While the kids are playing little league baseball and when they are up to bat, they shout
"put it where they ain't!"
Translation: "Hit the ball where no person is standing".
Whoa - bad English on EVERY level......
Friday, October 13, 2006
I Know (part deux)
I'm so sorry - I realize my last entry is SEPTEMBER! Trying to adapt to a new full-time job and then having such a short window of time when I'm home in the evening to spend with the family has left my poor blog neglected. As time goes by it's getting easier so bear with me!
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Kyle Joins Baseball
Living in Florida and so close to the beautiful baseball field (complete with batting cages and big lights) Kyle signed up for baseball. Little did we know that they are pretty serious about their little league in Florida and the kids are "drafted". Since none of the coaches were familiar with Kyle we got very lucky where the number one team and number one coach drafted him. As it turns out, Kyle is not only the youngest on the team but also the smallest. As it also turns out, this team has never lost. It has put quite the pressure on Kyle as he has really only played on one team (in Vegas) and it was just a "fun and play as you go" type team. First few practices were difficult for him and trying to make friends with team members that had known each other for years was also a challenge. Warren's due diligence paid off. After daily dates of "playing catch" and numerous trips to the batting cage, he had him ready for his first game on Friday night. There we were, under the lights for an 8:00 pm start. Kyle was tenth in the batting order. Nobody had hit when he went up to bat. Then, there he goes - a perfect connect that sailed over the shortstop and into the whole between left and center fields. Kyle hit a single and eventually got home and scored! They have a two hour time limit so his second bat he walked and again scored. Biggest news of the night??
Kyle was MVP for the night and got the game ball!!! Horray for Kyle, proving hard work and diligence pays off!!
Kyle was MVP for the night and got the game ball!!! Horray for Kyle, proving hard work and diligence pays off!!
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Monday, September 11, 2006
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Things I Don't Care About
- - Paris Hilton getting a DUI - or Paris Hilton anything
- - Baby Suri - or anything Tom Cruise
- - Lindsey Lohan
- - Who Jessica Simpson is dating - or anything Jessica Simpson
- - Whether an Olsen twin is eating or not
- - Whether Nicole Richie is eating or not
- - The Becks
- - If Tara Reid has made a fool of herself again (although her drunk episodes are amusing)
- - Who wins Big Brother All Stars now (hate the two that are left)
- - Britney and her baby
- - Britney and her husband
- - Britney and her husband and her new baby
- - Britney's husband thinking he's a rapper (how sad)
- - Whether Brad and Angelina get married
Need I go on.... Feel free to add on comments.....
Friday, September 08, 2006
Need I Say More?
Go to this link and then fill in the blank:
The main reason I would buy one of these is because __________________.
The main reason I would buy one of these is because __________________.
Monday, September 04, 2006
How Sad....

Steve Irwin "The Crocodile Hunter" died this weekend. How very, very sad. Also so bizarre that a stingray, under normal circumstances, wouldn't kill you but by some freak attack it struck his heart (he probably went into cardiac arrest).
"Experts called it a freak occurrence. They said the triangular-shaped rays are usually unobtrusive, gliding through the water, rummaging on the sea bottom for food or burrowing into the sand. But when stepped on or otherwise frightened, they deploy spines up to 10 inches long with breadknife-like serrations as a defense mechanism.
"If it's spooked by someone stepping on it or swimming too closely over it, frightening it, the tail raises involuntarily," said Victoria Brims, a marine life expert at OceanWorld, an aquarium in Sydney, Australia.
The spines emit toxins that can kill many small creatures and that cause excruciating pain in humans. Few people die from the poison, but the spines can badly tear flesh and the wounds are prone to infections, including tetanus." (The Associated Press)
Fatal if a stingray hits a vital organ of course. Of all the dangerous things he did, this you would never guess would be what would take his life. He was only 44 years old and leaves behind his wife and two small children. "Crikey". Godspeed Steve Irwin, we loved you.
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Chili Plants
So we FINALLY found the chili plants that I love so much. I had one in my kitchen in Calgary and have looked for one ever since but never found one. Low and behold the other day I saw them at Wynn Dixie!! W, being the sweet husband that he is, brought me two home the next day. I went out and bought two big terracotta planters for them and then painted them in the "chili pepper theme". Here's one of them. Cute huh!?

Tuesday, August 22, 2006
I Know, I Know!

Okay! I got it! You keep checking back and it's still the oranges - nothing new! Hey, the oranges post is still about the only thing I got still! W working super hard, K at his new school, me at home answering those darn calls and sending out resumes looking for a "real" job. :::yawn::: you say.. I know!! Try it from this side! Okay, things will pick up - right now I'm mashed potatoes on white plate.
Thursday, August 17, 2006

Okay, so I went to the grocery store for a few things, among them ORANGES. Now here is something that I totally do not understand. I live in Florida. Don't they grow oranges in Florida? Doesn't like, the best orange juice come from Florida? Are those not orange groves and orange trees I see everywhere? Well at Wynn Dixie all the oranges were from South Africa! I don't get it. I drive by orange trees every day but instead the oranges I bought were shipped approximately 8,100 miles across the world. Here's the worst part, they were cheaper (and very delicious I might add). I don't get it.
Monday, August 14, 2006
Dum Dee Dum..
Sitting here doing that groovy job of answering this 1-800 call line allows me time to sit in this other window and type. It doesn't allow me to fold laundry, vacuum, load or unload dishes, or wash any floors or windows. That alone would make me do this job for free (not). I am still amazed at how people rant and rave on the telephone thinking that it is going to get them some kind of special treatment - like we want to help them more because they are raving lunatics. Let's send this message out to the masses: Stop yelling at people that you don't know or you can't see - we hate you when you do. There, I said it. I do believe I'm not long for this gig.
Okay so one of my sisters already knows this, but I am going to admit it to y'all now. I know I will endure humiliation, but here it is - I'm addicted to watching Big Brother. (psst: beckywatchesprojectrunway) This season - it's Big Brother All Stars which is contestants from all other seasons! Heaven for me. I have watched every one no fail, each season. I know.. shameful, but such a guilty pleasure. I'm always amazed that there are people out there that, apparently, have regular lives where they get up every morning and go to work or look after children or SOMETHING, and they can put all of that on hold for like THREE MONTHS and go in live in house - be confined in a house actually - and be told what to do for 24 hours a day. Hey don't they have places like that but without the cameras? Isn't it called Jail? These people should call their local police departments and see if sitting in this confinement can be used as credit for their parking or speeding tickets. Anyways, I digress. So this year they put these people BACK into the house for another go at winning a half a million dollars which is not tax free (note to survivor dude Richard Hatch currently in prison for not paying taxes on Survivor winnings) . These people are bizarre and they make me wonder what they would be like as real people out in the world. What I find strange is this thing they always say that is "I'm just playing a game" or "It's all a part of the game". If you're living with a bunch of strangers for three months seeing them 24 hours a day, seven days a week, I have a feeling it's no longer game play it's the real you and guess what..you're a tool. They seriously look at each other and tell blatant lies, turn on their friends, and do embarassing things on national televison. DELIGHTFUL in my world. The only thing that makes me sad about the whole thing is I don't know a single other soul that watches so I can't dish with them!!
Okay so one of my sisters already knows this, but I am going to admit it to y'all now. I know I will endure humiliation, but here it is - I'm addicted to watching Big Brother. (psst: beckywatchesprojectrunway) This season - it's Big Brother All Stars which is contestants from all other seasons! Heaven for me. I have watched every one no fail, each season. I know.. shameful, but such a guilty pleasure. I'm always amazed that there are people out there that, apparently, have regular lives where they get up every morning and go to work or look after children or SOMETHING, and they can put all of that on hold for like THREE MONTHS and go in live in house - be confined in a house actually - and be told what to do for 24 hours a day. Hey don't they have places like that but without the cameras? Isn't it called Jail? These people should call their local police departments and see if sitting in this confinement can be used as credit for their parking or speeding tickets. Anyways, I digress. So this year they put these people BACK into the house for another go at winning a half a million dollars which is not tax free (note to survivor dude Richard Hatch currently in prison for not paying taxes on Survivor winnings) . These people are bizarre and they make me wonder what they would be like as real people out in the world. What I find strange is this thing they always say that is "I'm just playing a game" or "It's all a part of the game". If you're living with a bunch of strangers for three months seeing them 24 hours a day, seven days a week, I have a feeling it's no longer game play it's the real you and guess what..you're a tool. They seriously look at each other and tell blatant lies, turn on their friends, and do embarassing things on national televison. DELIGHTFUL in my world. The only thing that makes me sad about the whole thing is I don't know a single other soul that watches so I can't dish with them!!
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Now What?
Okay, so... all moved.. pictures hung.. everything put away - DONE IN A MAD DASH.. all settled.. now what? Seems like everything was so BUSY and full of hassles and now it's an eerie calm.
Oh yea.. the day before we moved I had the convenient experience of having my HARD DRIVE CRASH - the deadly blue screen. Circuit City does a "free" diagnostic test on your computer for $59.95 (apparently when you're at "blue screen" the test isn't free anymore). Well.. $300 later I know have a new hard drive. What does that mean? Well, it means I've lost your e-mail address. If you regularly read our blog PLEASE send me your email address because chances are..I've lost it and I'm now re-building.
Oh yea.. the day before we moved I had the convenient experience of having my HARD DRIVE CRASH - the deadly blue screen. Circuit City does a "free" diagnostic test on your computer for $59.95 (apparently when you're at "blue screen" the test isn't free anymore). Well.. $300 later I know have a new hard drive. What does that mean? Well, it means I've lost your e-mail address. If you regularly read our blog PLEASE send me your email address because chances are..I've lost it and I'm now re-building.

Thursday, August 10, 2006
We're BACK!
Phew! Weeks without cable and internet is brutal but, of course, not as brutal as moving. We did the move all by ourselves. W and I loading SUPER heavy stuff, W and Kyle loading medium stuff and basically W loading everything. Poor guy did so much work! You feel the jubilation when you get the U-Haul loaded and the last floor cleaned of the old place, get in the vehicles and drive to the new place but that joy is soon gone when you realize now you have to unload it all. We were good for about 3 or 4 hours and then I don't think that any of us could lift our arms anymore. Ended up just finding the Aerobed and crashing and back up at 6:00 am to finish so as to get the truck back in time. We are so glad that is all behind us now and we are moved in, the pictures are hung, and even need to do housecleaning at this point.
Kyle loves his new school. It only opened last year so everything is new and fresh. It has a huge baseball field, basketball courts, and even little ponds riddled throughout the campus. He applied yesterday to be a safety patrol. He is going to get a bike soon so that he can ride to and from school and he is very excited about that. Well that's it for now - gotta get that little kid up to get ready for a new day!
Kyle loves his new school. It only opened last year so everything is new and fresh. It has a huge baseball field, basketball courts, and even little ponds riddled throughout the campus. He applied yesterday to be a safety patrol. He is going to get a bike soon so that he can ride to and from school and he is very excited about that. Well that's it for now - gotta get that little kid up to get ready for a new day!
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
On the Move!
Friday, July 21, 2006
New (Temporary) Job
Okay, we're moving so the last few days I have been doing a "work at home" job where I answer calls to take orders when they call a 1-800 number. What I thought would be an "easy" job isn't that easy at all. Firstly, and I'm sure you already know this, People Are Rude! While some are very nice and sweet others are just plain mean and inpatient. Others seem to have nothing better to do than call a phone number from their tv screen for no apparent reason. Some case in points:
- the guy who rambled on for 8-1/2 minutes about the war, the president, Jane Fonda, and how he missed Nixon.
- the child that called to tell me he was going to Disneyworld in Florida.
- the guy that called me TWICE to tell me wanted to "lick my butt" and "was that okay?"
I guess in my sheltered existence I thought people had better things to do!
- the guy who rambled on for 8-1/2 minutes about the war, the president, Jane Fonda, and how he missed Nixon.
- the child that called to tell me he was going to Disneyworld in Florida.
- the guy that called me TWICE to tell me wanted to "lick my butt" and "was that okay?"
I guess in my sheltered existence I thought people had better things to do!
Friday, July 14, 2006
Fun With Food
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Okay - so I have Coulrophobia. What is "coulrophobia"..it's the fear of clowns. CLOWNS ARE CREEPY and icky. But hey..you don't see them every day and you get over it. However...check out this cut and paste from a website:
Consider the true cost of living with Clown Phobia.
If you are living with clown phobia, what is the real cost to your health, your career or school, and to your family life? Avoiding the issue indefinitely would mean resigning yourself to living in fear, missing out on priceless life experiences big and small, living a life that is just a shadow of what it will be when the problem is gone.
For anyone earning a living, the financial toll of this phobia is incalculable. Living with fear means you can never concentrate fully and give your best. Lost opportunities. Poor performance or grades. Promotions that pass you by. clown phobia will likely cost you tens, even hundreds of thousands of dollars over the course of your lifetime, let alone the cost to your health and quality of life. Now Clown Phobia can be gone for less than the price of a round-trip airline ticket.
Treat Your Clown Phobia Call Us Today.
and it continues....
How long & how much?
The Clown Phobia Clinic at The CTRN Phobia Clinic™ is entirely results-focused, so we charge you for the result you want: freedom from clown phobia - regardless of how long it takes.
The process usually requires no more than ten hours. In exceptional cases we can achieve a favorable result in two to three. But because we guarantee the outcome, we will work with you for as long as it takes - five minutes, five hours, five weeks. We work highly effectively by telephone. This allows our clients far more flexibility in scheduling appointments, and the results are every bit as good as meeting in person.
You'll need to play your part, of course. Usually as part of the work with us there will be some easy and enjoyable homework for you to do, and that will be a key part of your success.
Homework???? Like what, trolling the circus circuit?
OKAY - NOW I'M THINKING TELETHON. Anyone have Jerry Lewis' phone number?
Consider the true cost of living with Clown Phobia.
If you are living with clown phobia, what is the real cost to your health, your career or school, and to your family life? Avoiding the issue indefinitely would mean resigning yourself to living in fear, missing out on priceless life experiences big and small, living a life that is just a shadow of what it will be when the problem is gone.
For anyone earning a living, the financial toll of this phobia is incalculable. Living with fear means you can never concentrate fully and give your best. Lost opportunities. Poor performance or grades. Promotions that pass you by. clown phobia will likely cost you tens, even hundreds of thousands of dollars over the course of your lifetime, let alone the cost to your health and quality of life. Now Clown Phobia can be gone for less than the price of a round-trip airline ticket.
Treat Your Clown Phobia Call Us Today.
and it continues....
How long & how much?
The Clown Phobia Clinic at The CTRN Phobia Clinic™ is entirely results-focused, so we charge you for the result you want: freedom from clown phobia - regardless of how long it takes.
The process usually requires no more than ten hours. In exceptional cases we can achieve a favorable result in two to three. But because we guarantee the outcome, we will work with you for as long as it takes - five minutes, five hours, five weeks. We work highly effectively by telephone. This allows our clients far more flexibility in scheduling appointments, and the results are every bit as good as meeting in person.
You'll need to play your part, of course. Usually as part of the work with us there will be some easy and enjoyable homework for you to do, and that will be a key part of your success.
Homework???? Like what, trolling the circus circuit?
OKAY - NOW I'M THINKING TELETHON. Anyone have Jerry Lewis' phone number?
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Monday, July 10, 2006
Florida's Finest

On the route home today there is a road that the speed limit is only 35 miles per hour. You know those roads, 35 posted but everyone goes around 50? Well I'm zipping down there when the sweetest, kindest Florida driver going in the opposite direction flashed their headlights at me. You know the guy, he keeps flashing them his whole way because you know that he's been burned with a ticket many times before. I pull my speed right down to the exact tune of 35, okay maybe 36. Unfortunately Mr. Tourist from Nebraska in his neat blue van with crap on the roof (because he has way too much stuff to just pack it in the inside) didn't see "Sweet Florida Driver" flash his lights. Both lanes saw it (perhaps this guy was looking in the back of his van for more space for his crap) and, as a result, both lanes slowed down to 35. Mr. Tourist from Nebraska was irritated! How do I know? Well he changed from the one lane to the next and I had the pleasure of him driving behind me. Mr. Nebraska must have been getting frustrated with us slow Florida drivers because I even got the "fist beep". You know the one - make a fist and slam it down briefly on your horn so it makes just enough noise for the other drivers to look in their mirrors. I don't budge. He then decides to pull right up on my bumper. Um..No Mr. Nebraska not going to move... He finally is able to ditch to the other lane where in his anger he floors it to speed past the rest of us. Well Mr. Nebraska Tourist is one lucky guy I tell you - on his vacation he probably saw Disney, Universal, Seaworld, maybe even the space shuttle take off. But I know one thing - him and his whole family got introduced to a motorcycle cop with a radar gun in his hand. Happy summer trails guy. BOOOOYAHHHHH
Sometimes you just hit a website by pure accident and find something really funny. Well I happened upon this guy's blog and it cracked me up. It's called "You Had Me at Idiot - Deep Thoughts For a Shallow Mind". Then I started reading some of his archive posts and was laughing so hard I had tears running down my face. I have since found out his name is Paul Stoecklein and he's actually a stand-up comedian. So, if you need some cheering up or just need a good chuckle, check this guy out. (You can subscribe there too and when he updates it you get an e-mail - or so he says... I dunno). (My Favorite: Idiots Freaks and Geeks)
Enjoy: http://www.paulstoecklein.blogs.com/
Enjoy: http://www.paulstoecklein.blogs.com/
Sunday, July 09, 2006
So ends/begins another week. Kyle and I working on "5th grade stuff" to try and give him a bit of a jump for the new year. Saw "The Lake House" this week. Warren's review was "if Keanu and Sandra weren't it, it would have sucked". I kinda agree, but then again, you can't go wrong with those two.
Want to say thank you again to Lauren, Sandi & Barry, and Mom for such a pleasant and the sweetest ever surprise on my birthday. Thank you - I love you. xoxox
Here's so more pics - just because:
Our Sweetiepie

How to Body-Surf Instructions From Dad

"Cool Sky Picture"
Want to say thank you again to Lauren, Sandi & Barry, and Mom for such a pleasant and the sweetest ever surprise on my birthday. Thank you - I love you. xoxox
Here's so more pics - just because:
Our Sweetiepie

How to Body-Surf Instructions From Dad

"Cool Sky Picture"

Wednesday, July 05, 2006
July 4th Stuff
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
For Daddy
Okay this post is for DADDY who checks the blog when he's away and gets perturbed when it still says SUNDAY. It's Wednesday honey! Two more days to go!! We love you!
Monday, June 26, 2006
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Sunday Night
Well we had quite the weekend. We headed out to Kyle's tournament first thing in the morning to face a huge line up of other "duelers". The 10:00 start time was very optimistic and they finally got underway around 11:30 a.m. The experience was great for Kyle, he had fun and he learned a lot about the game and competition. He "dueled" about five times but even with no victories we are very proud of him.
Picking him up in the afternoon proved to be a touch more challenging. The skies opened up and we had one of the worst downpours of rain I have ever experienced in my life. If was comparable to someone standing on the roof of the car and pouring bucket after bucket of water straight onto the windshield - it was almost like driving under water! Traffic was moving at about 10 miles per hour and you couldn't see the car in front of you. We all had our emergency flashers on because then you could "sort of" see where they were ahead of you. (http://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/weather/orl-thunderstorm20_106jun20,0,7013802.story?coll=orl-news-headlines-weather) Finally got through it safe and sound, unlike some other poor souls, so we are very grateful.
Well one week down, here comes the next.
Picking him up in the afternoon proved to be a touch more challenging. The skies opened up and we had one of the worst downpours of rain I have ever experienced in my life. If was comparable to someone standing on the roof of the car and pouring bucket after bucket of water straight onto the windshield - it was almost like driving under water! Traffic was moving at about 10 miles per hour and you couldn't see the car in front of you. We all had our emergency flashers on because then you could "sort of" see where they were ahead of you. (http://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/weather/orl-thunderstorm20_106jun20,0,7013802.story?coll=orl-news-headlines-weather) Finally got through it safe and sound, unlike some other poor souls, so we are very grateful.
Well one week down, here comes the next.
Friday, June 23, 2006
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Watch This
Having seen the fountains at the Bellagio in Las Vegas - you've got to watch this video. It's just way too funny.
Sunday, June 18, 2006
Friday, June 16, 2006
Friday - Black Belt Day!

Well today's the day!! Kyle will be getting his karate "black belt" (recommended) today at 5:30. We made a deal with Kyle when he started that he couldn't quit until he reached black belt (hoping, of course, that when he reached black belt he wouldn't want to quit). Will post a picture of the ceremony tomorrow. In the meantime, this is a pic of his last promotion to red belt (decided).
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
We're Back!
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Tuesday - Still Talahassee
Well no hurricane but rain..lots and lots of rain. The front lawn (where I take Edgar out) is flooded but no trees came hurling through the window last night so that's good. While W worked yesterday Kyle and I went to a late breakfast and then we went to the Children's Science Museum. Your admission also paid to see this photo gallery display on the third floor of these black and white pictures (that show is there til August). I loved that! (Kyle not so much). Science floor kinda cool, hate when displays are "not working" and they seemed to have many. The coolest ones they had didn't work, like they had this booth that you put your age in, it takes your picture, then it age progresses you. So Kyle tried, it would be 10, then 30, then 50. We got all the way to the end of the process but it never showed his photos. Then I tried it and to tell you the truth I was pretty happy it didn't show mine especially when you could also add in showing the effects of smoking and sun damage. We left to come home and, of course, I got lost. We were probably 1 mile from home (on a road I didn't know of course) and I thought we were going the wrong way so I turned around and that kept us lost for yet another hour. Poor Kyle has probably spent about a week of his life being lost with me. It was okay when he was younger and didn't realize we were lost, but now I get busted every time ("You don't know where we are do you Mom?"). Last night before dinner W took us to see the University which was very cool. Their football stadium is HUGE, I think it's bigger than McMahon! The whole campus was unreal and we kept telling K if he read more he too could go there. We went out for some Mexican food which was great. Today looks like "Movie Day" (I do believe I know where the mall is with the theaters but who knows). Kyle wants to see "Cars".
I can get email now - I changed some stuff so I can access it remotely.
Will post some pics when I get home.
I can get email now - I changed some stuff so I can access it remotely.
Will post some pics when I get home.
Monday, June 12, 2006
Oh Oh
Guess this wasn't the ideal time to travel. The hotel just slipped "Hurricane Instructions" under the door (take your blankets and pillows into the bathroom and close the door). Okay, so much for laying by the pool - it's like nighttime here!
Well Monday morning and we are waking up in Talahassee! Nice place except it looks like rain. What can we expect when we travel in a tropical depression!
Kyle went to the doctor on Saturday where we learned he had strep throat. Would have been useful if he had told me his throat hurt, maybe I wouldn't have been treating him for the flu. Oh well.. two shots to the butt and some meds he's almost as good as new. W working from 6:30 am and isn't expected back until at least 6 pm so we have to find something to do! May be difficult since I have no idea where I am. We did pass a store on the way to the hotel so many a handful of gossip magazines may be the order for the day. K has enough movies to keep him busy; however, the tv doesn't have the "stuff" to hook up his Playstation and his response to learning that was "why?" Oh Oh..on the drive here we saw something I had never seen before! You know how you see cows just grazing in a pasture? Well we passed this pasture that was all GOATS! Goats! with the floppy ears all grazing around acting like they were cows. Going to fast to get a picture but hey, I think you get the idea. Edgar has, once again, been the ideal pet. Had to sneak him in here but it's like he knows so he stays on the down-low and even does this "soft bark" when he hears someone in the hall. Like a "tester bark" ya know.. seeing if it's okay. He gets met with a big "shhhh" from all of us and he seems fine with that. Well off to um..do something! I'm away from e-mail so feel free to leave comments - we can communicate that way!
Kyle went to the doctor on Saturday where we learned he had strep throat. Would have been useful if he had told me his throat hurt, maybe I wouldn't have been treating him for the flu. Oh well.. two shots to the butt and some meds he's almost as good as new. W working from 6:30 am and isn't expected back until at least 6 pm so we have to find something to do! May be difficult since I have no idea where I am. We did pass a store on the way to the hotel so many a handful of gossip magazines may be the order for the day. K has enough movies to keep him busy; however, the tv doesn't have the "stuff" to hook up his Playstation and his response to learning that was "why?" Oh Oh..on the drive here we saw something I had never seen before! You know how you see cows just grazing in a pasture? Well we passed this pasture that was all GOATS! Goats! with the floppy ears all grazing around acting like they were cows. Going to fast to get a picture but hey, I think you get the idea. Edgar has, once again, been the ideal pet. Had to sneak him in here but it's like he knows so he stays on the down-low and even does this "soft bark" when he hears someone in the hall. Like a "tester bark" ya know.. seeing if it's okay. He gets met with a big "shhhh" from all of us and he seems fine with that. Well off to um..do something! I'm away from e-mail so feel free to leave comments - we can communicate that way!
Friday, June 09, 2006
Things You Didn't Know
Okay, so here's some strange things that I bet you didn't know.. I will tell you, then you will know and later, you will wonder why you know that.
Did you know that:
If one places a tiny amount of liquor on a scorpion, it will instantly go mad and sting itself to death. (Who was the sadist who discovered this??)
The original name for butterfly was flutterby.
By raising your legs slowly and lying on your back, you cannotsink into quicksand.
It is impossible to lick your elbow.
And my personal favorite:
What do bulletproof vests, fire escapes, windshield wipers, and laser printers all have in common?
Answer: All invented by women
Oh! And you know what I think? I think you tried to lick your elbow!
Did you know that:
If one places a tiny amount of liquor on a scorpion, it will instantly go mad and sting itself to death. (Who was the sadist who discovered this??)
The original name for butterfly was flutterby.
By raising your legs slowly and lying on your back, you cannotsink into quicksand.
It is impossible to lick your elbow.
And my personal favorite:
What do bulletproof vests, fire escapes, windshield wipers, and laser printers all have in common?
Answer: All invented by women
Oh! And you know what I think? I think you tried to lick your elbow!
Did you know that there is such a thing as a BLENDER PHONE! Why don't I have one of these? I can't remember the countless times that I have been talking on the phone, trying to wind the conversation to a close so that I can get those margaritas a mixin'. Not to mention being able to throw the ingredients for guacomole in there while being on hold with Florida Power! Someone was brilliant here!

Fever Gone!
So as of 10:30 this morning the fever seems to be gone!! He's stuffed up but seems to have made it to the other side. ::phew::: One more day and I think we will have made a break through. Was another rough night but kudos to the dog for not waking me up this morning. W coming home for the weekend and then we'll all go back with him on Sunday for a little mini vacation. Horray!
Thursday, June 08, 2006
Flu Season?
So they say it isn't flu season. I got news for ya... the flu has hit the Moore's house. Poor Kyle battling fever and sick! Really nice of the dog to wake me up to go outside for the first time ever! He choose 6:30 on a morning where we had been up all night battling the fever and vomiting. That dog has never woken me up before! Then we get back to sleep and boom, double-whammy, he wakes me up again at 8:00! I think he figures since the kid can wake me up all night long it must be the thing to do. Fever broke for a while today, but we are sitting again at about 101 this evening. He's finally eating so we may have had a break-through.
Did You Know This:
The five most stolen items in a drugstore are batteries, cosmetics, film, sunglasses, and, get this, Preparation H. Apparently people are just too embarrassed to purchase the last item. And, just in case you are curious, one of Preparation H's main ingredient is shark liver oil. The oil not only helps shrink hemorrhoids, but will shrink any tissue. As a result, many older women in Florida use the stuff to help reduce the appearance of wrinkles!
Did You Know This:
The five most stolen items in a drugstore are batteries, cosmetics, film, sunglasses, and, get this, Preparation H. Apparently people are just too embarrassed to purchase the last item. And, just in case you are curious, one of Preparation H's main ingredient is shark liver oil. The oil not only helps shrink hemorrhoids, but will shrink any tissue. As a result, many older women in Florida use the stuff to help reduce the appearance of wrinkles!
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
June 6
So why would the media get us all hyped up about a date? 6/6/6 they say..whoa.. Don't we have enough to worry about in this life than a date? So actually at the time of this post 6/6 is over, it's 1:10 a.m. and nothing evil happened at my place so I guess I'll tuck the sage away for another day.
It's scary in this place by myself with Warren out of town. Thank goodness for Edgar the dog, as small as he is he still barks to protect.
Okay, off to bed.
It's scary in this place by myself with Warren out of town. Thank goodness for Edgar the dog, as small as he is he still barks to protect.
Okay, off to bed.
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