On the route home today there is a road that the speed limit is only 35 miles per hour. You know those roads, 35 posted but everyone goes around 50? Well I'm zipping down there when the sweetest, kindest Florida driver going in the opposite direction flashed their headlights at me. You know the guy, he keeps flashing them his whole way because you know that he's been burned with a ticket many times before. I pull my speed right down to the exact tune of 35, okay maybe 36. Unfortunately Mr. Tourist from Nebraska in his neat blue van with crap on the roof (because he has way too much stuff to just pack it in the inside) didn't see "Sweet Florida Driver" flash his lights. Both lanes saw it (perhaps this guy was looking in the back of his van for more space for his crap) and, as a result, both lanes slowed down to 35. Mr. Tourist from Nebraska was irritated! How do I know? Well he changed from the one lane to the next and I had the pleasure of him driving behind me. Mr. Nebraska must have been getting frustrated with us slow Florida drivers because I even got the "fist beep". You know the one - make a fist and slam it down briefly on your horn so it makes just enough noise for the other drivers to look in their mirrors. I don't budge. He then decides to pull right up on my bumper. Um..No Mr. Nebraska not going to move... He finally is able to ditch to the other lane where in his anger he floors it to speed past the rest of us. Well Mr. Nebraska Tourist is one lucky guy I tell you - on his vacation he probably saw Disney, Universal, Seaworld, maybe even the space shuttle take off. But I know one thing - him and his whole family got introduced to a motorcycle cop with a radar gun in his hand. Happy summer trails guy. BOOOOYAHHHHH
1 comment:
hey didnt you know flashing your lights lets everyone know you're in a gang *snorts* haaaa
Ms. Urban Legend *winks*
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