Thursday, July 17, 2008

Scratching my head

So I was watching Larry King the other night ::ahem:: (nothing on) and it was on UFO's. Some woman from Canada called in (bless her heart, love Canada!) and her question to the panelists of UFO hunters/searchers was "So if UFO's are time travelling to come back and warn us of our mistakes, and they are from the future, how could you ever contact them?"

Love that question.

The Birthday Cake

So my boss is one of those women that LOVES LOVES LOVES shoes and she LOVES LOVES LOVES the animal print pattern stuff. So.. this is the birtday cake that I had made for her.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Oh Boy....

These are from Lindsey Lohan's clothing line. Leggings... with kneepads... and they cost $132.00. Insert your own comments.....