Sitting here doing that groovy job of answering this 1-800 call line allows me time to sit in this other window and type. It doesn't allow me to fold laundry, vacuum, load or unload dishes, or wash any floors or windows. That alone would make me do this job for free (not). I am still amazed at how people rant and rave on the telephone thinking that it is going to get them some kind of special treatment - like we want to help them more because they are raving lunatics. Let's send this message out to the masses: Stop yelling at people that you don't know or you can't see - we hate you when you do. There, I said it. I do believe I'm not long for this gig.
Okay so one of my sisters already knows this, but I am going to admit it to y'all now. I know I will endure humiliation, but here it is - I'm addicted to watching Big Brother. (psst: beckywatchesprojectrunway) This season - it's
Big Brother All Stars which is contestants from all other seasons! Heaven for me. I have watched every one no fail, each season. I know.. shameful, but such a guilty pleasure. I'm always amazed that there are people out there that, apparently, have regular lives where they get up every morning and go to work or look after children or SOMETHING, and they can put all of that on hold for like THREE MONTHS and go in live in house - be confined in a house actually - and be told what to do for 24 hours a day. Hey don't they have places like that but without the cameras? Isn't it called Jail? These people should call their local police departments and see if sitting in this confinement can be used as credit for their parking or speeding tickets. Anyways, I digress. So this year they put these people BACK into the house for another go at winning a half a million dollars which is
not tax free (note to survivor dude Richard Hatch currently in prison for not paying taxes on Survivor winnings) . These people are bizarre and they make me wonder what they would be like as real people out in the world. What I find strange is this thing they always say that is "I'm just playing a game" or "It's all a part of the game". If you're living with a bunch of strangers for three months seeing them 24 hours a day, seven days a week, I have a feeling it's no longer game play it's the real you and guess're a tool. They seriously look at each other and tell blatant lies, turn on their friends, and do embarassing things on national televison. DELIGHTFUL in my world. The only thing that makes me sad about the whole thing is I don't know a single other soul that watches so I can't dish with them!!