Well no hurricane but rain..lots and lots of rain. The front lawn (where I take Edgar out) is flooded but no trees came hurling through the window last night so that's good. While W worked yesterday Kyle and I went to a late breakfast and then we went to the Children's Science Museum. Your admission also paid to see this photo gallery display on the third floor of these black and white pictures (that show is there til August). I loved that! (Kyle not so much). Science floor kinda cool, hate when displays are "not working" and they seemed to have many. The coolest ones they had didn't work, like they had this booth that you put your age in, it takes your picture, then it age progresses you. So Kyle tried, it would be 10, then 30, then 50. We got all the way to the end of the process but it never showed his photos. Then I tried it and to tell you the truth I was pretty happy it didn't show mine especially when you could also add in showing the effects of smoking and sun damage. We left to come home and, of course, I got lost. We were probably 1 mile from home (on a road I didn't know of course) and I thought we were going the wrong way so I turned around and that kept us lost for yet another hour. Poor Kyle has probably spent about a week of his life being lost with me. It was okay when he was younger and didn't realize we were lost, but now I get busted every time ("You don't know where we are do you Mom?"). Last night before dinner W took us to see the University which was very cool. Their football stadium is HUGE, I think it's bigger than McMahon! The whole campus was unreal and we kept telling K if he read more he too could go there. We went out for some Mexican food which was great. Today looks like "Movie Day" (I do believe I know where the mall is with the theaters but who knows). Kyle wants to see "Cars".
I can get email now - I changed some stuff so I can access it remotely.
Will post some pics when I get home.