Thursday, July 13, 2006


Okay - so I have Coulrophobia. What is "coulrophobia"'s the fear of clowns. CLOWNS ARE CREEPY and icky. But don't see them every day and you get over it. However...check out this cut and paste from a website:

Consider the true cost of living with Clown Phobia.
If you are living with clown phobia, what is the real cost to your health, your career or school, and to your family life? Avoiding the issue indefinitely would mean resigning yourself to living in fear, missing out on priceless life experiences big and small, living a life that is just a shadow of what it will be when the problem is gone.

For anyone earning a living, the financial toll of this phobia is incalculable. Living with fear means you can never concentrate fully and give your best. Lost opportunities. Poor performance or grades. Promotions that pass you by. clown phobia will likely cost you tens, even hundreds of thousands of dollars over the course of your lifetime, let alone the cost to your health and quality of life. Now Clown Phobia can be gone for less than the price of a round-trip airline ticket.

Treat Your Clown Phobia ­ Call Us Today.


and it continues....

How long & how much?
The Clown Phobia Clinic at The CTRN Phobia Clinic™ is entirely results-focused, so we charge you for the result you want: freedom from clown phobia - regardless of how long it takes.

The process usually requires no more than ten hours. In exceptional cases we can achieve a favorable result in two to three. But because we guarantee the outcome, we will work with you for as long as it takes - five minutes, five hours, five weeks. We work highly effectively by telephone. This allows our clients far more flexibility in scheduling appointments, and the results are every bit as good as meeting in person.

You'll need to play your part, of course. Usually as part of the work with us there will be some easy and enjoyable homework for you to do, and that will be a key part of your success.

Homework???? Like what, trolling the circus circuit?
OKAY - NOW I'M THINKING TELETHON. Anyone have Jerry Lewis' phone number?

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