Sunday, April 06, 2008

The Joys of Renting

So we rent our townhome. Kyle has lots of friends, is close to the school and we know all our neighbors. Never had any intention of moving until we could find the house with the pool. Every month we send our big ole rent check to our landlord so he has it by the 1st. Imagine our surprise when, this week, we got notice that the townhome is going into foreclosure. Mr. Landlord took our rent money and, well..didn't pay the mortage with it we know that for sure. No word from the bank yet on when we have to bounce. There's another one across the way that we may move into so it doesn't distrupt Kyle's life (again). Poor kid has moved too much.
Universal message to landlords - let your tenants know if there is a possibility of the Sheriff bolting the doors closed. Thank you.

Check it Out

Because you should check this out

Eye Update

Kyle's eye is back to normal. After sleeping at 60 degrees, wearing a metal patch for most of spring break - he can see out of it and it's clear and looks fine. We were truly blessed.

Mama's are always right... it's all fun til someone loses an eye.