Saturday, December 02, 2006

Congrats to My Cool Friend Becky

My cool friend Becky (in my blog links) completed NaBloPoMo (aka National Blog Posting Month) wherein she had to post EVERYDAY in the month of November. Now those of you who post blogs know just how darn hard that is to find something every single day to post about. Well, Becky did it. I cheered her on from afar and, when time allowed, sent off an email or two telling her how great she was doing. Now that December is here, she can breath and know the pressure is off for another year BUT GIRL... WAY TO GO!!! You "blog rock" my dear.


Anonymous said...

!!!! What a delight to spy this on your blog! Thank you THANK YOU for your support.. you are the best and I am so glad I met you this year! Now I'm gonna rest my blog-weary fingers for a few days... xoxoo Becky

Anonymous said...

what's a blog????
HAaaaaaaaaa just kidding. I know I'm a slacker. Way to go BECKY!!! WO00t w00t *does the doodles dance*