Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Vicki Update

So visited Vicki tonight at the hospital. She still is waiting for a date and time for her surgery. I think, although it's a hard way to realize, that she knows how many of us love her and her spirit. I can't begin to express what an incredible person that she is - she is loving, warming, and kind to her soul. We feel blessed to even know her. We have all rallied around her - because we love her. I met her mother today as well as her best friend Amy. Both are such wonderful people - love attracts love and that is what Vicki has in her life. Vicki talks all the time about her friend "Amy" and when we met her tonight and it was like we had known her for years. Please continue to pray and think positive thoughts for our friend. Heart surgery is so serious but we know that God is taking extra good care of our friend. Godspeed Vicki - we're all here for you honey.

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